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About Vincent
What you need to know about Vincent
For some reason, whenever the Webmaster considers how to describe Vincent, the following Family Guy quote comes to mind as an example of what Vincent House is most assuredly not.
Chris: Wow Dad, you're up early.
Of course, while we fully respect anyone who does wear jeans, a jean shirt, and a jean jacket simultaneously, it is fair to say that such a choice of wardrobe is rare. Anyway, that out of the way, here is Vincent House in the words of one of our own:
For future reference, we call ourselves Vincentians. ;) It's tough to describe 40-someodd people in one go, but I'll give it a shot. We like snowball fights, and watching bad TV on the couches in the house lounge. (Sometimes good TV is also acceptable-- there was a group watching the BBC's Robin Hood last year.) We like bizarre conversations at the house table and keeping strange hours. It may be the housing committee hard at work, but we seem to have a wide variety of majors, languages, home city/state/country... and yet we're all awesome. ;)
Resident Head
Avi Schwab graduated from the University of Chicago (B.A. in Comp. Sci. 03). Currently, he makes money doing basically what the Webmaster is doing for free.
Resident Head
Laura Staley graduated from the University of Chicago (B.A. in Sociology 04). She worked at University of Chicago Press for a while, and is now considering writing a bestseller.
Resident Assistant
Nick is the new R.A. He likes theater and plays, except those plays which are about other plays.
Resident Assistant Emeritus
Anees Benferhat assisted Vincent House for 2 prosperous years, inaugurating Vincent's Golden Age.
Abraham Neben showed exceptional web design prowess at a very early age, leading some to term him genius. Most mainstream psychiatrists dismiss this claim, believing he is just reasonably talented at JavaScript and Photoshop. Still, he prefers the labeling of the former group.
You'll find other prominent house members on the House Government page.
No About page can completely capture the essence of Vincent House, but you can make a good substitute if you take any other house, dice, sauté with 1 Tbsp. Olive Oil over medium heat until the House caramelizes, then add a drop of …water, ordinary water and go heavy on the seasoning.