Vincent & World News Service Auction '09 House Meeting Minutes

House Meeting Notes
Transcription by Secretary Blair

Sunday, April 19, 2009

House Minutes 4/19

  • Lexie had nothing to say.
  • Neither did Avi.
  • Somehow, we ended up with an extra ticket to the Sox game. Talk to Laura and it could be yours!
  • Game Night in the RH apartment tomorrow night for the benefit of our coupla prospies.
  • Grilled Cheese Study Break HOMG on Tuesday at the usual time. Nom nom nom.
  • Afro Samurai at 9 on Thursday. "It's like an anime thing series with Samuel L. Jackson, I think," says Avi.
  • The New Anees will be announced by...sometime after Wednesday when Avi and Laura feel ready to stop witholding. Check your Twitter (#vincentra)
  • We should really get HARC funding for the Harry Potter trip, hint hint. If someone can get a couple other houses interested, it can happen.
  • DO NOT MARK UP THE TV. Anees will kill you.
  • Be green and turn stuff off, because it's Earth "Month or Week," as Avi says. Abe reminded us not to strand our housemates in a dark bathroom.
  • Next: May 2nd may be our walking day. But it could also be this Saturday.
  • Soccer. Saturday. Come 'n' play @ 2. Anees and Elaine will tell you: it's awesome.
  • Lincoln Park Zoo trip has been raindate'd to next Sunday.
  • Lexie needs an extra two bux from those who bought Second City tix because of some lame phone charge. Pay her soon or there will be retribution.
  • Salisbury is taking our piece of crap...that is, gently used television off our hands.
  • Annoying Girl was noticeably absent from IHC this week, cutting the meeting time drastically. And the BIG CUPS in the dining hall are a permanent addition, so imbibe away.
  • The Roomate Game will be at Study Break on Tuesday...even though we all have singles. Pick a roomie from the house, try to guess their favorite things, and potentially win a prize, maybe, that will be Ben and Jerry's.
  • Proposed house funds amendment: house funds will be split into a general account and a savings account. Subsidies and such will not be awarded from in-house fundraising, but only from external money (ie, t-shirt sales). Felipe will send out a draft of the constitutional amendment and we will vote at next week's meeting.
  • Contrary to rumors, there will not be an anthropomorphic cup coming to IHC next week.
  • Talent Show is May 2nd! Officially (although exact time TBA)! Email me (Blair) if you want to be in it or have to cancel your act :( or anything. I will be making snaaaaacks...
  • Dorian sez: donate floorspace for prospies on Thursday. Last Thursday went great (thx evary1!) but we need as many hosts as possible. And remember, number of brownies = number of prospies you host.
  • Want to make fun of Anees? Well, Eli is going to roast him May 24th. Jokes and quote-unquote mocktails will abound as we send off our favorite and only RA for this year. Eli will YoVincent us.
  • Ben says ORCSA will probably give us a table for selling t-shirts again in Reynolds, and we might be able to sell more than one. And remember, no one especially likes selling shirts, but we do it for the good of Vincent, so sign up. We can't spend money we don't have.
  • Assassinate! Email Bernie to sign up.
  • Jonah made The Large Roosters lose soccer (not really).

Quote of the Week: "you're pot committed" Tyler Smith's poker psychout strategy
Vinnie: Gaius for poker pwnage, Khyle for being a ninja (or was he?), Berenice for serving her community well
Weenie: Laura for her markedly average statistics skills

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